Thursday, April 16, 2009

Big Corporations as the new Anthony Comstock

Who is censoring our media now? Arguable, no one. We are the country of free speech and open information. Then why has the recent past felt like a decade of secrets that the public is only aware of once the consequences have already set it?

Anthony Comstock played the role of a post office censor during the 1900s. Taking pride in silencing the voice of those adviocation social change, including the likes of Margaret Sanger. Corporate media has done a good job of painting the picture they want us to see, always to their greatest benefit. Are they the new Anthony Comstock?

Thankfully today with the growth of the internet they are continually becoming more and more accountably for what and how they report on stories affecting the public. Finally there is a way to compete with big media corporations. While its also a great chance for them to readapt and change, many are simpley running scared, denouncing independent media's work as unreliable and "not real journalism." Luckily the rest of the country doesn't seem to think so. It will be interesting, especially as a (hopefully) future journalist, to watch how the rest plays out.

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